Men Who Murdered Woman And 11 Year Old Daughter In Worcester Are Career Criminals Who Run Bootleg Clothing Line


On Tuesday 27 year old Chastity Nunez and her 11 year old daughter Zella Nunez were shot dead in their car at 3 PM in the Columbus Park neighborhood after two gunmen opened fire.

Yesterday police arrested Karel Mangual, a career shitbag with a long and documented history of violence, including a conviction for armed attempt to murder.

Despite his plethora of violent, gun related charges, Mangual remained free, which enabled him to hunt down a woman and her daughter and murder them in broad daylight.

The other gunman is Dejan Belnavis, who remains on the run.

Dejan runs a clothing line called “The Bakery Apparel,” which seems to be him and some other hoodboogers flashing Starburst and stacks of hundred dollar bills that they got from selling mediocre fentanyl to vulnerable people.


Like his buddy Karel, Dejan has a long and documented criminal history with dozens of prior charges including from drug distribution, A&B with a dangerous weapon, strangulation, and many more. He was sentenced to five years in prison in 2016.

So basically these two animals have spent their entire lives beating up women, pulling guns on people, and contributing absolutely nothing to society. Yet for the last 2 months they’ve been roaming free, looking for their next victim while I was sitting in the Norfolk County House of Corrections. This is everything that is wrong with our criminal justice system, and now a woman and her daughter are dead because of it.

Do you realize how evil and demented you have to be to kill a defenseless woman and her child? I have a hard time believing this was random, which means one of these asswipes likely felt slighted by the woman in some way. But instead of just moving on with their lives they murdered a child in broad daylight. It’s only a matter of time until they track down this maggot, and hopefully he’ll spend the rest of his useless existence behind bars where he belongs.


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