Canton Coverup Part 339: Canton Pediatric Nurse Expresses Support For Convicted Felon And Supporter Of Mass Shooters After He Harassed Karen Read Inside Court Buffer Zone 


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A deranged felon named Jonathan Lee Riches showed up outside of the final day of Karen Read jury empanelment to harass and intimidate Read on her way into court this morning.

The individual in the red sweatshirt is convicted felon Jonathan Lee Riches, who is now acting on behalf of the McAlberts.

McAlbert supporters are actively raising money for him and appear to be cheering him on.




This appears to be in direct violation of Judge Cannone’s order, which says that “no individual may demonstrated in any manner” outside of the 200 foot buffer zone. Riches was clearly inside the buffer zone. It’s unclear if anyone has contacted the Dedham or State Police, but if any Karen Read protester had done this they would’ve been immediately arrested. I will be calling tomorrow for comment. It also appears to be witness intimidation, and is far less egregious than anything I said or did to be charged with a felony.

It’s not surprising that supporters of the McAlberts would stoop this low. After all, they support people who literally murdered a police officer and framed an innocent woman so that none of them would be held accountable. Jonathan Lee Riches is right up their alley. The convicted felon served 10 years in prison for defrauding elderly people and stole over $1.4 million.

In the early 2000s, when the less affluent, the technologically unsophisticated and the simply reluctant masses were just starting to find their bearings online, Jonathan Lee Riches helped develop the identity theft technique known as phishing. He was in his mid-twenties, living in Florida and collaborating with teenaged chat room acquaintances in Texas, who used spam emails to trick victims into disclosing personal information. Riches’ role was to monetize the data, which he accomplished by seamlessly navigating the online and offline worlds.

In contemporaneous news accounts, investigators described the way Riches would stroll into a bank, flash fake identification and coolly impersonate his mark, convincing tellers to hand over thousands of dollars in cash. The consequences reverberated widely. By the estimate of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the group charged more than $1.4 million to accounts opened in the names of about two thousand people. The ringleader remains in prison. Riches’ own parents, who live in a small town in Pennsylvania, served probation for failing to fully cooperate with investigators.

Riches frequently has expressed tacit support for the perpetrators of mass shootings. Three days after the Sandy Hook massacre Riches traveled to Newtown, CT and pretended to be Adam Lanza’s uncle and prayed alongside victims’ families. Leaving his home state of Pennsylvania was a violation of his probation.

He served two more years in prison for that. Now he makes money off his YouTube channel, where he apparently inserts himself into high profile cases like this.

Yesterday JLR harassed and threatened me outside of Norfolk Superior Court, going so far as to follow me to my car before being forcefully removed. He said he knows where I live, knows where my parents live, and vowed to go to their house.

He did this knowing I am a witness for the Commonwealth in multiple criminal cases. This is a violation of Chapter 268, 13b, felony witness intimidation.

Then today JLR came to the home where my children live in an attempt to intimidate me.

This appears to be a violation of Chapter 268, Section 13a – picketing the home of a witness. I do not currently reside there, so this convicted felon was apparently just stalking innocent, unrelated parties.

One of the individuals who expressed her support for this convicted felon is a Franklin pediatric nurse named Kerry Lama.

She works at Franklin Pediatrics for Dr. Mary Lyons, which can be found here.

Here she is proudly showing her support for Jonathan Lee Riches as he harassed innocent people outside the courthouse.

She frequently attacks Karen Read supporters online due to her support for the murderers of John O’Keefe, and proudly brags about being blocked by the victims of her online harassment.

In particular she has shown great affinity for Colin Albert, excusing his videos where he threatens to kill people. It should be noted that she has a son his age who also plays college football, so her “boys will be boys” meathead mentality isn’t surprising.


We have spoken with several parents who have pulled their children out of this pediatric care facility due to the fact that Kerry Lama works there. Her online behavior in despicable, and it’s unclear why a medical provider like Franklin Pediatrics would want to have this woman representing them on the Internet. Do they also condone Jonathan Lee Riches behavior? A man who mocked and trolled victims of the Sandy Hook massacre? Do they support cop killers as well? I certainly hope not!

After I made a post asking for her real name Kerry immediately deactivated her account in shame.

It’s clear that she understands how unprofessional her behavior, defense of cop killers, and promotion of a convicted like JLR is, and is likely embarrassed and worried about losing her job over this. She certainly should be. I wouldn’t want my children under the care of a vile, hateful woman who supports people support mass shooters.


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