Canton Coverup Part 338: Ken Mello Ordered By Judge To Provide Grand Jury Documents To Turtleboy That He Claims He Was Too Sick To Produce


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Yesterday’s pre-trial hearing in Norfolk Superior Court for the witness intimidation charges against Turtleboy went exactly how we imagined it would. Special Prosecutor Ken Mello, who has been paid $80K (along with his assistant Robert Novack being paid $20K and his private investigator Nelson de Gouveia being paid $15K), did not show up in person due to an alleged sickness. Instead he appeared remotely with oxygen cannula tubes sticking out of his nose.

Mr. Mello claims to have been hospitalized since February 9, but miraculously was able to garner the strength to attend a hearing in person on March 14 in a failed attempt to have my bail revoked for 120 days in Dedham District Court. Mr. Mello attempted to have the hearing delayed until June, when his contract will officially be over, and the Commonwealth would have to give him a new contract in order to continue.

There were several matters before the court, including a Rule 17 motion for the fake victim’s phone records. This was filed after we read a police report in which the fake victim admitted that she was in direct communication with Mello and Brian Tully after inviting me to her apartment complex to show me messages in her phone that she believed were pertinent to my case. This is evidence that the entire incident was a setup organized by the DA’s Office, State Police, and the fake victim, to lure me there with a fake subpoena and make up a lie about assault and battery in order to have my bail revoked on Christmas. The Lampron case said that in order to obtain someone’s phone it cannot be a “fishing expedition.” Since the fake victim, 1) showed me the contents of her phone, 2) admitted in a police report that she was in direct communication with

motion for rule 17 summons LG phone

Mello was not prepared to respond to the motion, which was moved to the next hearing on May 23.

We also filed motions for sanctions against Mello for intentionally keeping discovery and grand jury exhibits from us, which make it impossible for us to file a motion to dismiss. Here is the hearing in its entirety.

Attorney Bradl is clearly sick of Mello’s bullshit.

“I’ve never been in a position where I take issue with someone’s health issues claiming they have, until today. Counsel has had ample time to harass my client, to revoke his bail on the flimsiest of charges, but every time something comes up where the government has an obligation to provide discovery to illuminate these ridiculous accusations, then we have a health problem.”

In his 30+ years of practicing law he has never seen obstruction like this from a prosecutor.

It’s clear that the failure to provide us with grand jury minutes and other discovery was by design, not merely an oversight. We found out about the grand jury minutes in my case when they were submitted by the DA’s Office into evidence in the Karen Read case! Somehow they were sent to Adam Lally and David Yannetti before us. Mello denied he sent them to Lally, claiming that he does not work with the DA’s Office at all. He had no explanation for how Lally received these documents before we did.

Additionally, Mello claims that the other special prosecutor on this case, Robert Novack, could not fill in for him because Novack was brought on by the taxpayers solely to deal with “First Amendment issues.” Apparently Mello, an experienced attorney, is not familiar with the First Amendment and felt the need to hire an assistant to help educated him on the matter.

The Judge clearly agreed with us, as he asked Mello when these cases were indicted, and was told December. The Judge pointed out that it was mid-April now, and set a deadline for May 8. We still have no idea what lies were told to the grand jury in order to indict me. These issues will be discussed at the next hearing on May 23.

The entire purpose of this faux prosecution is to have me out on bail so that they can doctor up more fake charges in order to sent me back to jail. They don’t want me reporting on the Karen Read case, and it wouldn’t surprise me if they abandon this witch hunt after her trial is over. This is why they brought on someone as incompetent as Mello. He’s not there to convict me, he’s there to delay and conspire with former mistresses to have me charged with new crimes in order to revoke my bail.

Regardless of whether or not the Commonwealth’s delays are intentional, one thing we have learned from my case and the Karen Read case is that the Commonwealth likes to hide things from defendants and seems to never be held accountable for it. Innocent people with nothing to hide don’t behave this way.


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